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柯国军1, 柏纪平2, 宋百姓1
关键词:  废玻璃  粒径  砂浆  高温  益化作用
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2013.02.028
Effect of Waste Glass Particle Size on High Temperature Properties of Mortar
KE Guo jun1, BAI Ji ping2, SONG Bai xing1
1.School of Urban Construction, University of South China, Hengyang 421001, China;2.Faculty of Advanced Technology, University of Glamorgan, Pontypridd CF37 1 DL, UK
Mortar was made with 1.185.00mm,600μm1.18mm,300600μm and <300μm waste glass replacement of natural sand at levels(by mass) of 30%, 60% and 100%. Mortar specimens were tested for their compressive strength and splitting tension strength at 20,300,400,600,800 and 900℃. The experimental results show that the mortar which was made with ≥300μm waste glass replacement of natural sand, its strengths at room temperature are lower than control mortars and decrease with increase of temperature. The mortar which was made with<300μm waste glass replacement of natural sand, its splitting tension strength is slightly higher than control mortars and compressive strength is greatly higher control mortars at room temperature. It was found that mortar strength of all mixes reduces with elevation of temperature, a good linear relationship between strength and heating temperature is present, most of the correlation coefficients are greater than 0.980.The waste glass for particle size <300μm and replacement rate of more than 60% can get more than 1.25 high temperature enhancement coefficient and can significantly improve high temperature performance of mortar.
Key words:  waste glass  particle size  mortar  high temperature  enhancement effect