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杨华舒1, 杨宇璐2, 闫毅志1, 王毅1, 汪皓1, 胡应庭1
关键词:  岩土工程  红土  碱性固化材料  化学反应  侵蚀
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2013.01.030
Chemical Erosion of Laterite Soils by Alkaline Materials
YANG Hua shu1, YANG Yu lu2, YAN Yi zhi1, WANG Yi1, WANG Hao1, HU Ying ting1
1.Faculty of Land Resources Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650051, China;2.Kunming Survey Design and Research Institute Co. Ltd. of CREEC, Kunming 650200, China
The alkaline viscous substances used as reinforcement have engendered long term erosion of laterite groundwork. Scene sampling and archetype testing were executed in a geotechnical engineering project. Chemical erosion of laterite by alkaline material were investigated, and accelerated life tests were designed for laterite eroded by alkaline materials. Engineering factors were compared and concentrations of seeping support ions were tested for studying laterite eroded by alkaline viscous substances. Mechanism of laterite groundwork eroded by alkaline viscous substances was established. The chemical reactions are important cause for reduction of laterite groundwork life and long term economic benefit, and even can cause catastrophic accident.
Key words:  geotechnical engineering  laterite  alkaline viscous substance  chemical reaction  eroding