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缪宏1, 张瑞宏1, 左敦稳2, 王洪亮1, 王海耀1
关键词:  真空平板玻璃  支撑柱  静态特性  应力  挠度
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2013.01.029
Effect of Shore on Static Characteristics of Vacuum Plate Glass
MIAO Hong1, ZHANG Rui hong1, ZUO Dun wen2, WANG Hong liang1, WANG Hai yao1
1.College of Mechanical Engineering, Yangzhou University, Yangzhou 225000, China;2.Mechanical Engineering Institute, Nanjing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics, Nanjing 210016, China
Based on elastic mechanics, plate theory and calculus, the models of deflection and stress distribution of the vacuum plate glass surface under static load were built. The static characteristic of the vacuum plate glass was studied through experiments. The deflection and stress distribution of the vacuum plate glass on the surface were analyzed. And the reliability of calculation results was verified. The results show that the deflection and stress value at the center of the vacuum plate glass under static load are maximum. With the increase of the distance from the center of the vacuum plate glass, the deflection and stress value tend to reduce. The effect of the distance between two shores and the diameter of the shore on the stress distribution of the vacuum plate glass surface is significant under the same static load, and the effect of the height of the shore has little influence. The experimental results show that the static load is close to allowable stress of the vacuum plate glass. When the diameter of the shore is 0.2mm, the distance between two shores is 40mm and the static load is 15kg. If surpassing this range, the vacuum plate glass is vulnerable to break. A new basis for optimizing shores distribution and dimension to obtain ideal processing technology of the vacuum plate glass is provided.
Key words:  vacuum plate glass  shore  static characteristic  stress  deflection