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蔺海晓, 付磊
以弹性损伤机理的有限元程序模拟混凝土空心砖的抗折性能.在数值模型中,为了体现混凝土材料的非均匀性,假定单元的材料性能服从韦伯尔分布.利用该模型,可以得到混凝土空心砖在荷载作用下的裂纹起裂、发展直至最后破坏的全过程.结果表明: 空心砖的抗折强度随着壁厚和均质度系数的增加而增大,随着空洞率的增加而减小,数值计算结果和试验结果吻合较好.
关键词:  数值研究  混凝土空心砖  抗折  均质性
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2012.06.009
Numerical Study on Bending Behavior of Concrete Perforated Brick
LIN Hai xiao, FU Lei
College of Civil Engineering, Henan Polytechnic University, Jiaozuo 454000, China
An elastic finite element program was employed as the basic analysis tool to investigate the bending behaviors of concrete perforated brick. The mechanical properties of elements were assumed to conform to a given Weibull distribution to reflect the heterogeneity of concrete perforated brick. The fracture process, including crack initiation, propagation etc. was observed. Parametric studies, including the wall thickness, rib thickness, cavity rate and homogeneity index, were also carried out. The results indicate that the flexural strength increases with the increase of wall thickness and homogeneity index, while decreases with the increase of the cavity ratio. The numerical results were in good agreement with the experimental investigations.
Key words:  numerical study  concrete perforated brick  bending  homogeneity