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何亮1, 马育2, 黄晓明1, 马涛1
关键词:  橡胶粉  再生胶颗粒  橡胶沥青  再生胶改性沥青  红外光谱  热分析
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2012.02.015
Research on Performance and Microstructure of Desulfurized Rubber Asphalt
HE Liang1, MA Yu2, HUANG Xiao ming1, MA Tao1
1.School of Transportation, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China;2.School of Science, Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074, China
Asphalt rubber(AR) and desulfurized rubber asphalt(DRA) were prepared, their technical indexes were measured. The microstructure of both desulfurized crumb rubber(DCR) and crumb rubber(CR) were investigated. The results indicate that the viscosity of desulfurized rubber asphalt is far lower than that of asphalt rubber at high temperature, and as it can be prepared at lower temperature than asphalt rubber without peculiar smell, it is environmentally friendly. Desulfurized crumb rubber contains more additives, and more active bonds than crumb rubber. There is less cross linking between the molecules of desulfurized crumb rubber. There is no obvious chemical combination between crumb rubber and asphalt, while chemical combination between desulfurized crumb rubber and asphalt is obvious.
Key words:  crumb rubber(CR)  desulfurized crumb rubber(DCR)  asphalt rubber(AR)  desulfurized rubber asphalt(DRA)  FTIR  thermal analysis