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张东, 黄晓明, 赵永利
分别使用基于内聚力模型的断裂能、基于弹塑性断裂力学理论的J积分和基于弹性破坏理论的破坏应变这3种指标,对比研究了沥青种类、油石比和温度对沥青混合料AC 13F抗裂性能的影响,并且使用统计方法分析了这3个指标对上述影响因素的敏感程度.研究表明:对于沥青种类的影响,使用J积分会高估SBS改性沥青对沥青混合料抗裂性能的贡献;对于油石比的影响,使用破坏应变会得到不正确的结果;断裂能、J积分和破坏应变对所研究的影响因素都有较好的敏感性.通过综合比较,建议使用断裂能来评价沥青混合料的抗裂性能.
关键词:  沥青混合料  抗裂性能  评价指标  断裂能  J积分  破坏应变  敏感性
DOI:10.3969/j.issn.1007 9629.2012.02.014
基金项目:交通部西部交通建设科技项目(2007 318 950 66).
Comparative Study on the Evaluation Methods of the Fracture Resistance of Asphalt Mixtures
ZHANG Dong, HUANG Xiao ming, ZHAO Yong li
School of Transportation, Southeast University, Nanjing 210096, China
Fracture energy based on cohesive zone model, the J integral based on elastic plastic fracture mechanics and the failure strain based on elastic failure theory were employed to evaluate the fracture resistance of asphalt mixtures. Effects of asphalt type, asphalt aggregate ratio and temperature on the fracture resistance of the asphalt mixture AC 13F were studied using the three evaluation indicators and sensitivity of the three indicators to the effect factors was also analyzed using the statistical method. The results of the study shows that using the J integral will over estimate the contribution of SBS modified asphalt to the fracture resistance of asphalt mixtures, using the failure strain will lead to wrong result for the effect of asphalt aggregate ratio, and all the three indicators are sensitive to the analyzed factors. The fracture energy is recommended to evaluate the fracture resistance of asphalt mixtures by a comprehensive comparison.
Key words:  asphalt mixture  fracture resistance  evaluation method  fracture energy  J integral  failure strain  sensitivity