摘要: |
利用XRD和ESEM研究了由硅酸盐水泥、矿物掺和料和膨胀剂组成的复合胶凝材料的初期水化产物和浆体结构。结果表明:水化产物在水化6h时刚开始成核生长,生成纤维状CSH晶须和六方片状钙矾石微晶,并有过渡性水化产物钾石膏片状晶体和K2S04生成。复合胶凝材料水化1d后,水化产物大量生成,主要为CSH凝胶、Ca(OH)2和钙矾石,并形成致密的浆体结构。 |
关键词: 复合胶凝材料 水化产物 浆体结构 环境扫描电镜 硅酸盐水泥 |
DOI: |
分类号:TQ172.1 |
基金项目: |
Early-age Hydrates and Paste Structure of Complex Binders |
YAN Pei-yu HAN Jian-guo
Abstract: |
The early-age hydrates and paste structure of complex binders composed of Portland cement, mineral admixture and expansive agent were investigated with XRD and ESEM. The hydrates begin to nucleate at the 6~(th) hour. Fiber-form CSH and plate-form ettringite microcrystals, as well as temporary products of syngenite and K_2SO_4 are formed in this period. A large amount of hydration products, mainly CSH, Ca(OH)_2 and ettringite, are formed after 1 day to produce a dense paste. |
Key words: environmental scanning electron microscopy (ESEM),complex binder,early-age hydrate,paste structure |