





Uniaxial Tensile Viscoplastic Damage Constitutive Model of Ultra-high Performance Concrete

1.Tongji University;2.Tongji Architectural Design (Group) Co., Lid

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    In this paper, the uniaxial tensile viscoplastic damage constitutive model of ultra-high performance concrete is investigated. Based on the theoretical framework of viscoplasticity in the effective stress space, the theoretical correlation between uniaxial dynamic tensile and uniaxial static tensile is elucidated, the rate sensitivity study of plasticity evolution and damage evolution is carried out, the plasticity evolution criterion and damage evolution criterion under dynamic tensile state are revealed. On this basis, the uniaxial tensile viscoplastic damage constitutive model of ultra-high performance concrete is further constructed, and the expression for the dynamic improvement factor of tensile strength is proposed. The proposed uniaxial tensile viscoplastic damage constitutive model is verified by uniaxial static tension test data and uniaxial dynamic tension test data. The results show that the model proposed in this paper can better reproduce the plastic evolution, damage evolution and stress-strain relationship of ultra-high performance concrete under uniaxial tensile, which provides a reference for the nonlinear analysis of ultra-high performance concrete.

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  • 收稿日期:2025-02-20
  • 最后修改日期:2025-03-19
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