Abstract:The effect of immersion duration, immersion temperature and immersion reagent type on the mass loss of soundness of typical source rock for manufactured aggregate is studied by controlling the temperature rise. The results show that the mass loss of source rock soundness increases significantly with the increase of the cumulative immersion duration, the immersion temperature or the magnesium sulfate solution as the immersion reagent due to the increase of solution crystal volume or the diffusion depth for rock pores. When the cumulative immersion duration is 13.5h, the immersion temperature is 60℃~80℃ or the immersion reagent is magnesium sulfate solution, the mass loss of source rock soundness will increase about 1.1 to 1.4 times compared with the standard method teset. The rapid evaluation of soundness of source rock for manufactured aggregate are proposed based on temperature control and reagent type selection, the duration time can be reduced to 1/4 of the standard test method.