
1.中交路桥华北工程有限公司,北京 101100;2.内蒙古大学 交通学院,内蒙古 呼和浩特 010070


兰 锦(1977—),男,北京人,中交路桥华北工程有限公司高级工程师,硕士.E-mail:1203908214@qq.com


张 宏(1978—),男,内蒙古乌兰察布人,内蒙古大学教授,博士生导师,博士.E-mail:zhanghong3537@126.com





Salt Freezing Resistance and Life Prediction of Metakaolin Modified NaOH Pretreated Rubber Concrete

1.China Communications Road and Bridge North China Engineering Co., Ltd., Beijing 101100, China;2.Transportation Institute, Inner Mongolia University, Hohhot 010070, China

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    The coupling of chloride salt and freeze-thaw cycle was used to simulate the salt freezing environment. The effects of metakaolin(MK) on the physical and mechanical properties of NaOH pretreated rubber concrete during salt freezing were studied, as well as its service life. The results indicate that modified rubber concrete exhibits significantly better physical and mechanical properties than rubber concrete during salt freezing. MK significantly increases the total amount of hydration products, refines the pore structure, and reduces damage to modified rubber concrete in salt freezing environments. The dissolution effect of rubber particle elasticity on frost heave stress is a key factor in achieving this improved performance. The optimal MK content for achieving the best salt freezing resistance is 15%,which is predicted to result in a Weibull function life of 475 freeze-thaw cycles.

    图1 MK的微观形貌Fig.1 Micromorphology of MK
    图2 橡胶混凝土冻融损伤的表观形态Fig.2 Apparent morphology of freeze-thaw damage of rubber concrete
    图3 橡胶混凝土的质量损失率Fig.3 Mass loss rate of rubber concrete
    图4 橡胶混凝土的抗压强度损失率Fig.4 Loss rate of compressive strength of rubber concrete
    图5 橡胶混凝土的相对动弹性模量Fig.5 Relative dynamic elastic modulus of rubber concrete
    图6 试件RC和MRC15在冻融循环前的微观形貌Fig.6 Microstructure of specimen RC and MRC15 before freeze-thaw cycles
    图7 试件RC和MRC15在冻融循环150次后的微观形貌Fig.7 Microstructure of specimen RC and MRC15 after freeze-thaw cycles(T=150 times)
    图8 试件养护28 d时的TG-DTG曲线Fig.8 TG-DTG curves of specimens at 28 d
    图9 参数拟合图Fig.9 Parameter fitting diagram
    图10 改性橡胶混凝土损伤的概率密度函数Fig.10 Probability density function of modified rubber concrete damage
    图11 改性橡胶混凝土损伤的可靠度曲线Fig.11 Reliability curve of modified rubber concrete damage
    表 1 混凝土的配合比Table 1 Mix proportions of concretes
    表 2 混凝土中水泥石主要水化产物的化学结合水含量Table 2 Chemically bound water content of hydration products of cement stone Unit: %
    表 3 改性橡胶混凝土内部水泥石的孔隙结构参数Table 3 Pore structure parameters of cement stone in modified rubber concrete
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