
1.西北大学 化工学院,陕西 西安 710127;2.西安建筑科技大学 交叉创新研究院,陕西 西安 710055;3.岭南大学 跨学科学院,香港 999077









Properties and Mechanism of Pervious Concrete Cured by CO2 Flow Method

1.School of Chemical Engineering, Northwest University, Xi’an 710127, China;2.Institute for Interdisciplinary and Innovate Research, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi’an 710055, China;3.School of Interdisciplinary Studies, Lingnan University, Hong Kong 999077, China

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    In order to better utilize the porous characteristics of pervious concrete and find a more suitable CO2 curing method for it, a novel flow method for curing pervious concrete was proposed and a corresponding curing apparatus was designed. Experimental approaches were used to explore the curing time of the flow method, and a comparison was made with commonly used static curing methods including pressure curing, which shows superior performance, and atmospheric curing under similar conditions, with respect to CO2 uptake, compressive strength, and microstructure. The results show that the flow method can promote carbonation by removing excess moisture, especially from the interior of the concrete, through airflow, reducing the need for pre-treatment steps and ensuring a more uniform distribution of moisture. This effectively eliminates the uneven carbonation inside and outside of the specimens, with the result that it significantly improves the compressive strength of the concrete.

    图1 2种养护方式的装置原理图及实物图Fig.1 Schematic and actual images of devices for two curing methods
    图2 流通法养护装置内CO2体积分数随碳化时间的变化Fig.2 Variation of CO2 volume fraction inside flow curing device with carbonation time
    图3 不同碳化时间下的静态加压养护固碳率Fig.3 CO2 uptake of ambient pressure curing at different carbonation times
    图4 3组试件表面及中心的固碳率与整体抗压强度Fig.4 CO2 uptake at surface and center of three groups of specimens and overall compressive strength
    图5 CO2养护后3组试件的截面碳化情况Fig.5 Cross-sectional carbonation images of three groups of specimens after CO2 curing
    图6 3组试件中心处的TG-DSC曲线Fig.6 TG-DSC curves of center of three groups of specimens
    图7 3组试件养护前后试件表面及中心的含水率变化情况Fig.7 Changes in water content at surface and center of three groups of specimens before and after curing
    图8 3组试件养护后中心处的SEM照片Fig.8 SEM images of center of three groups of specimens after curing
    表 1 水泥的化学组成Table 1 Chemical composition(by mass) of cement
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