
1.同济大学 先进土木工程材料教育部重点实验室,上海 201804;2.同济大学 材料科学与工程学院,上海 201804;3.山西佳维新材料股份有限公司,山西 运城 044200









Setting and Hardening Performance of PC-CSA under C-S-H Seed and Aluminum Sulfate

1.Key Laboratory of Advanced Civil Engineering Materials of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804,China;2.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804,China;3.Shanxi Jiawei New Material Co., Ltd., Yuncheng 044200,China

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    Through tests of setting time and compressive strength, the effect of calcium silicate hydrated(C-S-H) seed and aluminum sulfate (AS) on the setting and hardening performance of ordinary Portland cement-calcium sulfoaluminate cement (PC-CSA) was systematically investigated. Moreover, the mechanism was revealed with the combined techniques of hydration process, hydration product and microstructure analysis. The results show that both C-S-H seed and AS significantly shorten the setting time of PC-CSA. The combined addition of C-S-H seed and AS significantly promotes the silicate phase reaction of PC-CSA and densifies the microstructure to enhance the compressive strength of PC-CSA. When AS is doped alone, the nucleation and growth processes of hydration product C-S-H in PC-CSA are inhibited. However, the addition of C-S-H seeds mitigates the inhibition effect on the nucleation process of hydration product C-S-H by providing nucleation sites, thereby promoting the silicate phase reaction.Hence, these results address the imbalance between rapid setting and enhanced early strength of the shotcrete.

    图1 C-S-H晶种与AS对PC-CSA凝结时间的影响Fig.1 Effect of C-S-H seed and AS on setting time of PC-CSA
    图2 C-S-H晶种与AS对PC-CSA抗压强度的影响Fig.2 Effect of C-S-H seed and AS on compressive strength of PC-CSA
    图3 C-S-H晶种与AS对PC-CSA水化过程的影响Fig.3 Effect of C-S-H seed and AS on hydration process of PC-CSA
    图4 C-S-H晶种与AS作用下硬化PC-CSA浆体的XRD谱图Fig.4 XRD patterns of hardened PC-CSA pastes under effect of C-S-H seed and AS(72 h)
    图5 C-S-H晶种与AS对硬化PC-CSA浆体孔径分布和累计孔体积的影响Fig.5 Effect of C-S-H seed and AS on pore size distribution and cumulative pore volume of hardened PC-CSA pastes(72 h)
    表 1 PC和CSA的化学组成Table 1 Chemical compositions(by mass) of PC and CSA
    表 2 PC和CSA的矿物组成Table 2 Mineralogical compositions(by mass) of PC and CSA
    表 3 PC-CSA的配合比Table 3 Mix proportions of PC-CSA
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    发 布

卢子臣,MOHAMMAD Mahadi Hasan,张立恒,贾亚运,孙振平.C-S-H晶种与硫酸铝作用下PC-CSA的凝结硬化性能[J].建筑材料学报,2025,28(2):95-102

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  • 收稿日期:2024-02-09
  • 最后修改日期:2024-04-06
  • 在线发布日期: 2025-03-11