A series of experiments were carried out to study uniaxial mechanical properties of two groups of the same polyvinylidene fluoride(PVDF) coated fabrics after aging under different environment. The first group was removed from Wuhu stadium when it was repaired and the other one was the same batch of PVDF coated fabrics stored in the warehouse. The items of natural aging experiments included thickness of PVDF coated fabrics,tensile strength, bonding strength and tearing strength. Results show that the color of PVDF coated fabrics after natural aging has changed to yellow gray and its thickness increases. But the color of PVDF coated fabrics kept indoors is white and shiny. Tensile strength, bonding strength and tearing strength of the two groups of PVDF coated fabrics both show different degrees of reduction and show a greater discreteness. The change of tearing strength is found to be more notable.