Abstract:To acquire crack resistance property of recycled aggregate concrete, effect of substitution percentage(by mass) of recycled coarse aggregate and addition amount of mineral admixture on tensile creep property of recycled aggregate concrete at early age was investigated by uniaxial tensile creep experiment. The test results show that compared with normal concrete, tensile creep of recycled aggregate concrete increases by 8%31% for recycled coarse aggregate with substitution percentage of 50%100%. Higher addition amount of mineral admixture will result in higher tensile creep in recycled aggregate concrete. The single addition of fly ash and mixed addition of fly ash with slag will increase tensile creep of recycled aggregate concrete by 8%32% and 3%22% respectively. Based on concrete tensile creep prediction M Burgers model, a model suitable for tensile creep prediction of recycled aggregate concrete at early age is proposed by considering the influence of substitution percentage of recycled coarse aggregate and addition amount of mineral admixture.