Abstract:Rules of compressive strength enhancement of water based polymer SRX stabilized crushed stone were studied.The SRX stabilized crushed stone specimens were prepared by vertical vibrating test method. The results show that when SRX content(by mass) is increasing from 0% to 075%, the drying compressive strength of specimens gradually increases up to 700MPa. And then the drying compressive strength tends to reduce with increasing SRX content. Water stability of SRX stabilized crushed stone was studied by immersion saturated test,immersion drying cycle test and anti erosion test. The results show that in the early immersion, the relative moisture ratio increases rapidly, and reaches immersion saturation state with the relative compressive strength about 76.0% at 36h; the residual compressive strength is 938% and 924% when the specimens are tested 30 times and 60 times by immersion drying cycle test; the specimens undertake increasing hydrodynamic pressure with prolonged erosion and the anti erosion performance of specimens is lower with maximum mass loss of 435g. Generally, SRX stabilized crushed stone performs better water stability performance in laboratory. Through 5 times freeze thaw cycle test and rutting test, the anti freeze performance and high temperature stability of SRX stabilized crushed stone were observed. The results show that its anti freeze coefficient is about 10%, thus its anti freeze performance is poor and not suitable for seasonal freezing region; Its dynamic stability(DS) is up to 56 times compared with ATB 30, its anti rutting performance is better, which is suitable for high temperature areas.