Abstract:Combined with the actual vibratory rolling characteristics of lime fly ash stabilized aggregate, the vertical vibration compaction equipment(VVTE) and its selection standard were established and the vertical vibration test method(VVTM) was proposed. The effect of indoor static pressure compaction method(SPCM), VVTM and vibratory rolling method in site on physical and mechanical properties of lime fly ash stabilized aggregate was compared. The different compaction methods were evaluated. The results show that when the working frequency is 30Hz, the nominal amplitude is 12mm and the working quality is 300kg, the simulation result is optimal. When the vibratory time is 120s, the vibratory maximum dry density is equal to the site maximum dry density. The mechanical strength of VVTM specimens is 90% of the sample of site. However, the mechanical strength of SPCM specimen are less than 52% of sample of site. The strength of specimens formed by VVTM is 17 times of that formed by SPCM. The specimens formed by VVTM can reflect the physical and mechanical properties of lime fly ash stabilized aggregate more accurately than the formed by SPCM.