Abstract:Conventional triaxial compression tests for steel fiber reinforced concrete with fiber volume fractions of 0%, 0.75%, 1.50% and 3.00% under four confining pressures (10, 20, 40, 80MPa) were conducted, during which two different strain rates (3×10-5, 5×10-4 s-1) were selected. Based on the obtained stress strain curves, the effects of fiber volume fraction, confining pressure and strain rate on the curve peak stress, peak strain and material toughness were investigated. The test result shows that:(1)Under the same confining pressure, peak stress, peak strain and compression toughness increase with the increase of volume fraction φf. (2)Under the same φf, with the increase of confining pressure, both compression strength and toughness show an appreciable increase. Again, under lower confining pressure the addition of steel fiber is beneficial to improve concrete strength and toughness. (3)With the increase of strain rate, peak stress and peak strain of the curves all remain to have an increase tendency.