
大连海事大学 交通运输工程学院,辽宁 大连 116026


崔世超(1993—), 男, 内蒙古赤峰人, 大连海事大学博士生. E-mail: cuisc@dlmu.edu.cn


郭乃胜(1978—), 男, 辽宁鞍山人, 大连海事大学教授, 博士生导师, 博士. E-mail: naishengguo@126.com




国家自然科学基金资助项目(51308084); 中央高校基本科研业务费专项资金资助项目(3132017029); 大连海事大学“双一流”建设专项项目(BSCXXM021); 辽宁省公路科技创新重点科研项目(201701); 大连市科技创新基金项目(2020JJ26SN062); 辽宁省教育厅基金项目(LJKMZ20220922); 大连市重点科技研发计划项目(2023YF22SN043)

Analysis of Microstructure and Pyrolysis Process of Vulcanized Eucommia Ulmoides Gum Modified Asphalt

College of Transportation Engineering, Dalian Maritime University, Dalian 116026, China

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    Vulcanized eucommia ulmoides gum modified asphalt(VEUGMA) was prepared by natural plant-based eucommia ulmoides gum(EUG), and the microstructure and pyrolysis process of VEUGMA were studied. The results show that VEUGMA is of lower penetration, higher softening point, larger ductility and viscosity, better deformation resistance at high temperature and cracking resistance at low temperature than matrix asphalt. Compared to matrix asphalt, VEUGMA has larger number and smaller size of honeycomb structures, lower root mean square roughness, greater adhesion, higher pyrolysis temperature, and less CO2 and CO release. The modification effect is the best when 6% EUG and 3.5% sulfur (calculated by EUG quality) are added to the matrix asphalt.

    表 2 沥青的特征失重温度Table 2 Characteristic weightlessness temperature of asphalts
    表 1 硫化配方Table 1 Vulcanization formula(by mass)
    图1 杜仲胶用量与最佳硫磺用量关系图Fig.1 Relationship between EUG dosage and optimal sulfur dosage
    图2 基质沥青和VEUGMA的基础物理性能指标Fig.2 Basic physical performance indicators of MA and VEUGMA
    图3 基质沥青和VEUGMA的AFM形貌图Fig.3 AFM morphologies of MA and VEUGMA
    图4 基质沥青和VEUGMA的均方根粗糙度Fig.4 Rq of MA and VEUGMA
    图5 基质沥青和VEUGMA的AFM黏附力统计结果Fig.5 Statistical results of AFM adhesive force between MA and VEUGMA
    图6 黏度与黏附力相关性Fig.6 Correlation between viscosity and adhesive force
    图7 基质沥青和VEUGMA的TG-DTG曲线Fig.7 TG-DTG curves of MA and VEUGMA
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  • 收稿日期:2023-10-26
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