
广东工业大学 土木与交通工程学院,广东 广州 510006


梁仕华(1976—),男,湖北孝感人,广东工业大学教授,硕士生导师,博士. E-mail:liangshihuagdut@126.com


冯德銮(1985—),男,广东南海人,广东工业大学讲师,博士. E-mail:wolfluan@126.com





Experimental Study on Solidification/Stabilization of Leachate Sludge by Cement and MSWI Fly Ash

School of Civil and Transportation Engineering, Guangdong University of Technology, Guangzhou 510006, China

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    采用硫铝酸盐水泥协同生活垃圾焚烧飞灰作为胶凝材料对渗滤液污泥进行固化,通过无侧限抗压强度试验、浸出毒性分析和微观测试,探索水泥与飞灰的复合固化效果和固化机理.结果表明:当水泥掺量不小于20%时,固化试样的28 d无侧限抗压强度满足填埋强度要求;飞灰是水泥固化渗滤液污泥的优良辅助固化剂,其对水泥固化试样无侧限抗压强度的增强效应存在最优掺量;10%的飞灰可替代10%的水泥而使固化试样达到更好的固化效果;复掺30%或40%水泥+15%飞灰的试样可同时满足填埋强度和浸出毒性的要求.


    Leachate sludge was solidified by using sulphoaluminate cement(SAC) and municipal solid waste incineration fly ash as cementitious materials. The composite curing effect and curing mechanism of cement and fly ash were explored through an unconfined compressive strength test, leaching toxicity analysis and microscopic test. The results show that when the cement content is not less than 20%, 28 d unconfined compressive strength of the cement solidified sample meets the landfill strength requirements. Fly ash is an excellent auxiliary curing agent for cement solidified leachate sludge, and its enhancement effect on the unconfined compressive strength of cement solidified samples has an optimal dosage. 10% fly ash can replace 10% cement to achieve a better curing effect. The samples with 30% or 40% cement + 15% fly ash can meet the requirements of landfill strength and leaching toxicity at the same time.

    表 1 渗滤液污泥的基本物理性质Table 1 Basic physical properties of leachate sludge
    表 2 硫铝酸盐水泥和飞灰的化学组成Table 2 Chemical composition(by mass) of SAC and MSWI fly ash
    表 3 固化试样重金属浸出毒性Table 3 Leaching toxicity of solidified samples Unit: mg/kg
    图1 渗滤液污泥的表面形态、微观结构及粒度分布Fig.1 Surface morphology, microstructure and gradation distribution of LS
    图2 LS的矿物成分Fig.2 Mineral composition of LS
    图3 LS中水的存在形式Fig.3 Water form in leachate sludge
    图4 飞灰的矿物成分Fig.4 Mineral composition of MSWI fly ash
    图5 飞灰的微观结构Fig.5 Microstructure of MSWI fly ash
    图6 水泥固化渗滤液污泥试样的无侧限抗压强度Fig.6 UCS of SAC solidified leachate sludge samples
    图7 水泥协同飞灰固化渗滤液污泥试样的无侧限抗压强度Fig.7 UCS of SAC and MSWI fly ash solidified leachate sludge samples
    图8 水泥协同飞灰胶凝材料的重金属固定机理示意图Fig.8 Schematic diagram of heavy metal immobilization mechanism of SAC and MSWI fly ash[38-39]
    图9 不同飞灰掺量渗滤液污泥固化试样的SEM图Fig.9 SEM images of leachate sludge samples solidified by SAC and MSWI fly ash of different contents
    图10 不同飞灰掺量渗滤液污泥固化试样的XRD图谱Fig.10 XRD patterns of leachate sludge samples solidified by SAC and MSWI fly ash of different contents
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