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1.哈尔滨工业大学 土木工程学院,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150090;2.哈尔滨工业大学 结构工程灾变与控制教育部重点实验室,黑龙江 哈尔滨 150090
针对湿法碳化钢渣存在的水化活性受抑制以及固碳量不高等问题,提出了添加生物炭进行改性的研究思路.结果表明:生物炭有效提升了碳化钢渣的水化活性与CO2反应性;与仅使用碳化钢渣的样品相比,利用生物碳和湿法碳化钢渣协同制备的活性矿物浆料,试件在7 d时的抗压强大提升了21.5%,CaCO3的含量增加了25.1%;生物炭与湿法碳化钢渣协同作用有效地细化了试件的孔结构,增加了水化产物的含量且加速了早期的水化放热,因此钢渣的水化活性得到进一步提高;生物炭独特的疏松多孔结构有利于CaCO3在试件孔隙中均匀沉淀,使CaCO3的成核效应和填充效应得以更好地发挥.
关键词:  湿法碳化  钢渣  生物炭  活性
Mechanism of Biochar Improving Activity of Carbonated Steel Slag
LI Linshan1, CHEN Tiefeng1,2, GAO Xiaojian1,2
1.School of Civil Engineering, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China;2.Key Lab of Structural Dynamic Behavior and Control of the Ministry of Education, Harbin Institute of Technology, Harbin 150090, China
A research direction of using biochar to modify aqueous carbonated steel slag is proposed to address the issues of suppressed hydration activity and low CO2 sequestration of steel slag. The results show that biochar effectively enhances the hydration activity and CO2 reactivity of carbonated steel slag;and compared to samples that solely use carbide steel slag,the compressive strength of the active mineral slurry prepared through the synergistic use of biochar and wet-process carbide steel slay has increased by 21.5% at 7 d,with a 25.1% increase in CaCO3 content. The synergistic effect of biochar and aqueous carbonated steel slag effectively refines the pore structure of the specimens, increases the amount of hydration products, and accelerates the early hydration heat release, thereby further improving the hydration activity of steel slag. The unique loose and porous structure of biochar facilitates the uniform precipitation of CaCO3 in the pores of specimens, allowing for better nucleation and filling effects of CaCO3.
Key words:  wet carbonation  steel slag  biochar  activity