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1.西安建筑科技大学 土木工程学院,陕西 西安 710055;2.西安建筑科技大学 绿色建筑全国重点实验室,陕西 西安 710055
研究了“灯芯效应”下珊瑚骨料混凝土在Mg2+、SO42-共同作用下Cl-的传输规律,建立了“灯芯效应”下珊瑚骨料混凝土Cl-传输模型. 结果表明:Cl-沿半浸泡混凝土高度方向由下而上传输的同时也由表层向中心传输,其在混凝土内部的含量呈类抛物面分布;SO42-的存在会加快Cl-在混凝土中的传输,而Mg2+的加入会抑制Cl-的传输,导致混凝土在相同高度及深度处的Cl-含量小于SO42-与Cl-共同作用下的Cl-含量;本文建立的“灯芯效应”下珊瑚骨料混凝土氯离子传输模型计算结果与实测结果吻合良好.
关键词:  珊瑚骨料混凝土  半浸泡  灯芯效应  氯离子传输  离子共同作用
Chloride Transportation in Coral Aggregate Concrete Due to Wick Action
LUO Daming1,2, ZHOU Meng1,2, LI Fan1,2, NIU Ditao1,2
1.School of Civil Engineering, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi’an 710055, China;2.State Key Laboratory of Green Building, Xi’an University of Architecture and Technology, Xi’an 710055, China
The Cl- transport law of coral aggregate concrete under the synergism of Mg2+ and SO42- erosion was studied, and the Cl- transportation model for coral aggregate concrete under the “wick action” was established. The results show that Cl- is transported both from the bottom to the up and from the surface layer to the center longitudinal of the semi-immersed concrete, and the Cl- in concrete exhibits a parabolic distribution. SO42- will accelerate the transfer of Cl- in concrete, while the addition of Mg2+will inhibit the transfer of Cl-, resulting in the concentration of Cl- at the same height and depth in concrete be smaller than that under the combined action of SO42- and Cl-. The calculated results of the chloride ion transport model for coral aggregate concrete under the “wick action” established in this paper are in good agreement with the measured results.
Key words:  coral aggregate concrete  semi-immersion  wick action  chloride transportation  ion interaction