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太原理工大学 土木工程学院,山西 太原 030024
关键词:  地聚合物  二氧化硅骨料  分子动力学模拟  界面键合  界面过渡区  界面强度
Molecular Simulation of Interface Bonding Effects on Properties of Geopolymer-Aggregate
LIU Zefeng, ZHANG Xiao, LAN Xuejiang, LI Minghui, SHI Jiayu
School of Civil Engineering,Taiyuan University of Technology,Taiyuan 030024,China
The interface bonding method playing a pivotal role in influencing the interface characteristics between geopolymer and silica aggregate. Three distinct interface bonding models were established through molecular dynamics simulations to explore their impact on the interface structure and mechanical properties. The results reveal that the interface chemical bonds encompass Si—O—Al, Si—O—Si and Na—O bonds. Increasing the concentration of chemical bonds maintains a consistent interface transition zone width and enhances the density within the interface transition zone, reinforces interfacial interactions. The energy contributed by covalent bonds at the interface is the main energy for the combination of geopolymer and aggregate. Augmenting the content of covalent bonds at the interface significantly fortified interface strength. When the concentration of Si—O—Si bonds at the interface surpasses that within the geopolymer bulk, the interface ceases to be the primary factor limiting strength development.
Key words:  geopolymer  silica aggregate  molecular dynamics simulation  interface bonding  interface transition zone  interface strength