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桂林电子科技大学 建筑与交通工程学院,广西 桂林 541004
采用SiO2气凝胶改性地聚合物,分析了矿渣掺量和气凝胶掺量对抗压强度、尺寸稳定性、失水量以及微观结构的影响,为解决地聚合物干燥收缩问题提供指导.结果表明:由于气凝胶保水作用,矿渣掺量较低的试件28 d强度提升较大;矿渣掺量为30%时,气凝胶掺量越高,试件尺寸稳定性越强;试件7 d内失水量远大于7 d后,且随着气凝胶掺量的增加,矿渣掺量较低的试件失水量先减少后增加,而矿渣掺量较高的试件失水量先增加后减少;当矿渣掺量为30%、气凝胶掺量为8%时,试件微观结构最为致密.
关键词:  地聚合物  SiO2气凝胶  干燥收缩  力学性能  微观结构
Drying Shrinkage Properties of Geopolymer Modified by SiO2 Aerogel
MA Bin, CHEN Zhiyuan, YI Zhaolin, ZHAO Jun
School of Architecture and Transportation Engineering,Guilin University of Electronic Technology, Guilin 541004, China
SiO2 aerogel was used to modify geopolymers. Influences of slag content and aerogel content on the compressive strength, dimensional stability, water loss and microstructure were analyzed to provide guidance for solving the problem of geopolymer drying shrinkage. Results show that the strength of specimens with low slag content at 28 d is greatly increased due to the water retention because of aerogel. At the slag content of 30%, the higher the aerogel content, the more significant the dimensional stability. Water loss of specimens within 7 d is much greater than the specimens after 7 d. As the aerogel content increases, water loss of specimens with lower slag content is first reduced and then increased. However, water loss of specimens with higher slag content is increased first and then decreased. When slag content is 30% and aerogel content is 8%, the microstructure of specimens is the most compact.
Key words:  geopolymer  SiO2 aerogel  drying shrinkage  mechanical property  microstructure