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1.广西科技大学 土木建筑工程学院,广西 柳州 545006;2.广西科技大学 广西高校防灾减灾与预应力技术重点实验室,广西 柳州 545006;3.南宁学院,广西 南宁 530200;4.广西路桥工程集团有限公司,广西 南宁 530200
为研究钢-连续纤维筋(SFCB)增强珊瑚混凝土柱的抗震性能以及SFCB的二次刚度,对5根SFCB增强珊瑚混凝土柱及1根钢筋珊瑚混凝土柱进行低周反复荷载试验. 结果表明:相比于钢筋珊瑚混凝土柱,SFCB增强珊瑚混凝土柱的滞回曲线捏拢效应更明显,但其刚度退化、等效黏滞阻尼系数较小;增加配筋率,SFCB增强珊瑚混凝土柱的位移延性、峰值荷载分别提高约13.41%、4.51%;提高轴压比,柱的位移延性、峰值荷载分别提高11.80%、18.39%. 基于复合材料法则及受力平衡理论,提出了SFCB增强珊瑚混凝土柱的骨架曲线模型.将该模型的计算结果与试验结果进行对比,二者吻合度较高,进一步验证了该模型的适用性与准确性.
关键词:  抗震性能  钢-连续纤维筋  二次刚度  珊瑚混凝土  骨架曲线模型
Seismic Performance and Skeleton Curve Model of SFCB Reinforced Coral Concrete Columns
CHEN Shuang1,2, WEI Lilan1, LIHulin2, GUAN jiwen3, LI Wei4
1.College of Civil Engineering and Architecture,Guangxi University of Science and Technology,Liuzhou 545006,China;2.Key Laboratory of Disaster Prevention & Mitigation and Prestress Technology of Guangxi Colleges and Universities, Guangxi Universtity of Science and Technlogy, Liuzhou 545006,China;3.Nanning University, Nanning 530200, China;4.Guangxi Road and Bridge Engineering Group Co.Ltd.,Nanning 530200, China
In order to study the seismic performance and secondary stiffness of steel-fiber composite bar reinforcement (SFCB) reinforced coral concrete columns, low-cycle repeated load tests were carried out on 5 of SFCB coral concrete columns and one reinforced coral concrete column. The results show that compared with the reinforced coral concrete columns, the squeezing effect of the hysteretic curves of SFCB reinforced coral concrete columns is more obvious, but the stiffness degradation and equivalent viscous damping coefficient are smaller. With the increase of reinforcement ratio, the displacement ductility and peak load of the specimen are increased by about 13.41% and 4.51%, respectively. The displacement ductility and peak load of the specimen are increased by 11.80% and 18.39%, respectively. Based on the law of composite materials and the theory of force equilibrium, a skeleton curve model of SFCB reinforced coral concrete columns was proposed, and the calculation results of the model were compared with the experimental results. The results shows a good agreement between them, which further verifies the applicability and accuracy of the model.
Key words:  seismic performance  steel-fiber composite bar  secondary stiffness  coral concrete  skeletal curve model