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1.长安大学 公路学院,陕西 西安 710064;2.中交第二公路工程局有限公司,陕西 西安 710065;3.中交集团山区长大桥隧建设技术研发中心,陕西 西安 710199
采用强度试验、X射线衍射仪和综合热分析仪等手段,研究了低气压对水泥基材料性能及水化进程的影响.结果表明:低养护气压延缓了水泥水化进程,水化产物生成量减小,且养护气压越低,影响效果越显著,3~7 d龄期时出现明显的水化平台期;低养护气压下水泥基材料孔隙结构劣化,凝胶孔占比增长幅度最大;养护气压越低,水泥基材料吸水速率越快,吸水量越大;水泥基材料的吸水量、吸水速率及相对吸水率均随着环境气压的降低明显减小.
关键词:  低气压  水泥水化  孔隙结构  毛细吸水性能  相对吸水率
Effect of Low Atmospheric Pressure Environment on Properties and Hydration Process of Cement-Based Materials
BAO Weixing1, SUN Xun1,2,3, CHEN Rui1
1.School of Highway, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, China;2.CCCC Second Highway Engineering Co., Ltd., Xi’an 710065, China;3.Research and Development Center on Construction Technology of Long Bridge and Tunnel in Mountain Areas, CCCC, Xi’an 710199, China
The effects of low atmospheric pressure on the properties and hydration process of cement-based materials were studied by strength tests, X-ray scanning and comprehensive thermal analysis. The results show that the low curing atmospheric pressure delays the cement hydration process, the generation of hydration products decreases, and the lower the curing atmospheric pressure, the more significant the impact effect. An obvious hydration plateau period appeares at the age of 3-7 days. Under the low curing atmospheric pressure, the pore structure of the cement-based marerials deteriorates, and the proportions of gel pore growth is the largest. The lower the curing atmospheric pressure, the higher the water absorption rate, and the greater water absorption amount. However, the water absorption, water absorption rate and relative water absorption rate of the cement-based marerials all decrease significantly with the decrease of environmental atmospheric pressure.
Key words:  low atmospheric pressure  cement hydration  pore structure  capillary water absorption property  relative water absorption