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三棵树涂料股份有限公司 福建省建筑涂料企业重点实验室,福建 莆田 351100
关键词:  复合防火聚苯板  聚苯乙烯泡沫颗粒  SiO2气凝胶  燃烧总热值  级配模型
Preparation and Performance of SiO2 Aerogel-Modified Composite Fire-Resistant Polystyrene Foam Board
PENG Yuefei, YANG Penghui, YANG Chen
Fujian Key Laboratory of Architectural Coating, Skshu Paint Co., Ltd., Putian 351100, China
A binary gradation model of polystyrene foam particles and glass beads was constructed, and the optimal particle size gradation of polystyrene foam particles and glass beads was about 5∶2 and the volume ratio was about 100∶7. Based on the gradation model, the aggregate was prepared and the composite fire-resistant polystyrene foam boards were fabricated using molding process. The microstructure diagrams revealed that the aggregate stacked up in a dense and well-organized arrangement. An analysis was conducted to investigate the influence of silicate cementitious material, SiO2 aerogel, and hydrophobic agent on the performance of the composite fire-resistant polystyrene foam board. The results indicate that an increase in the content of silicate cementitious material enhances the fire resistance and tensile strength of the composite fire-resistant polystyrene foam board. Conversely, an increase in SiO2 aerogel content results in a reduction of thermal conductivity and tensile strength, accompanied by an increase in the softening coefficient. Additionally, the water absorption rate decreases with an increase in the content of the hydrophobic agent.
Key words:  fire-resistant composite polystyrene foam board  polystyrene foam particle  SiO2 aerogel  total calorific value of combustion  gradation model