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河海大学 地球科学与工程学院,江苏 南京 211100
为改善砂土的不良工程特性并可用于河道岸坡、地基与道路加固,本文提出了一种使用高聚物和纤维复合改良砂土的方法.通过无侧限抗压强度试验和数值模拟,分析了改良砂土的强度特性及变形破坏模式.结果表明:复合使用高聚物和纤维能够有效提高砂土的抗压强度,且改良砂土的抗压强度随着高聚物和纤维掺量的增加而提高;改良砂土的最大抗压强度为414.53 kPa,纤维和高娶物最佳建议掺量分别为0.6%和4.0%;纤维加入后,在砂土中形成了力链网络,因此增加了应力传递的路径,有效地延缓了砂土内部微裂纹的发育;高聚物加入后,形成的膜状物与纤维交织在一起,形成一种新的网状结构,这显著提升了砂土的抗变形能力.
关键词:  砂土改良  复合材料  破坏变形  数值模拟  改良机理
Strength Characteristics and Deformation Mechanism of Modified Sand by Using Polymers and Fibers
HUANG Tingwei, LIU Jin, ZHU Xufen, CHE Wenyue, SUN Mengya
School of Earth Sciences and Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 211100, China
To improve the unfavorable engineering performance of sand and make it applicable for riverbank slopes, foundation, and road reinforcement, a method for modifying sand using polymers and fibers is proposed. Through unconfined compressive strength tests and numerical simulations, the strength characteristics and deformation failure modes of the modified sand are analyzed. The results indicate that the combined use of polymers and fibers can effectively enhance the compressive strength of sand, and the compressive strength of the modified sand increases with the dosage of polymers and fibers. The maximum compressive strength of the modified sand is 414.53 kPa, with the optimal recommended dosages of fibers and polymers being 0.6% and 4.0%, respectively. The addition of fibers forms a force chain network in the sand, thereby increasing the stress transmission paths and effectively delaying the development of micro-cracks within the sand. The incorporation of polymers creates a membranous substance that intertwines with the fibers, forming a new network structure, which significantly improves the deformation resistance of the sand.
Key words:  modified sand  polymer  failure deformation  numerical simulation  improvement mechanism