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1.佛山市交通科技有限公司,广东 佛山 528000;2.长安大学 公路学院,陕西 西安 710064
基于沥青混合料动态模量主曲线的数学特征分析,构建了一套针对再生沥青混合料黏弹性的评价体系,并提出了表征其黏弹行为的物性参数.通过对比拉伸和压缩方向上的黏弹差异性,研究了再生沥青混合料在这2个方向上的疲劳特性,并建立了其疲劳性能与黏弹物性参数的关系. 结果表明:相比新沥青混合料,再生沥青混合料在压缩模式下“弹而不够黏弹,但够有效黏弹”,在拉伸模式下“弹而不黏”.在相同加载方式下(无论是压缩还是拉伸),再生沥青混合料的黏弹物性参数中仅有效弹性比Reve与疲劳寿命Nf的线性相关程度高;而当加载方式不相同时,再生沥青混合料的ReveNf无法建立线性关系.
关键词:  道路工程  再生沥青混合料  黏弹评价体系  黏弹物性参数  拉压疲劳  相关性
Tensile and Compressive Fatigue Characteristics and Viscoelastic Characterization of Reclaimed Asphalt Mixture
LI Hao1,2, WANG Xuancang2, ZENG Guodong1, FANG Yang1, LONG Guoxin1
1.Foshan Transportation Science and Technology Co., Ltd., Foshan 528000, China;2.School of Highway, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, China
Based on the mathematical characteristic analysis of the dynamic modulus principal curve of asphalt mixture, the viscoelastic evaluation system of reclaimed asphalt mixture was established, and the physical parameters of viscoelastic behavior were also proposed. The viscoelastic difference between tensile and compressive directions was compared, the fatigue characteristics of reclaimed asphalt mixture in tensile and compressive direction were studied, and the relationship between fatigue properties and viscoelastic physical properties was established. The results show that, compared with the new asphalt mixture, the reclaimed asphalt mixture is elastic rather that viscoelastic, but it is effective viscoelastic enough under compression mode, and elastic rather that viscoelastic under tensile mode. Under the same loading mode (whether compressive or tensile), only the viscoelastic physical property parameter Reve has a high linear correlation with fatigue life Nf. When the loading mode is different, the linear relationship between Reve and Nf can not be established.
Key words:  road engineering  reclaimed asphalt mixture  viscoelastic evaluation system  viscoelastic physical property parameter  tensile and compressive fatigue  correlation