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湖南工学院 材料科学与工程学院,湖南 衡阳 421002
提出了一种以黄土为原材料,粉煤灰漂珠(简称漂珠)为成孔模板的陶粒制备新工艺.研究了漂珠粒径和掺量对多孔陶粒结构和性能的影响.结果表明:在陶粒生料制备阶段,通过调整漂珠的粒径和掺量即可达到对陶粒中孔隙结构进行构筑和调控的目的;本工艺制备的烧结黄土陶粒实现了低密度、高强度及低吸水率三者兼顾,各项性能指标远优于GB/T 17431.1—2010《轻集料及其试验方法 第1部分: 轻集料》中的相关规定.
关键词:  高强陶粒  孔结构设计  粉煤灰漂珠  黄土  筒压强度
Preparation and Properties of Lightweight and High-Strength Loess Ceramisite
XIONG Xin, WU Zhi, JIANG Pengcheng, WANG Jian, YANG Xin
School of Materials Science and Technology, Hunan Institute of Technology, Hengyang 421002, China
A novel approach for preparing ceramisite using loess as the raw material and fly ash floating beads as the pore-forming template was put forward. The effects of particle size and quantity of fly ash floating beads on the structure and properties of ceramisite were investigated. The results show that the pore structure of ceramisite can be constructed and regulated by adjusting the size and amount of the beads during the preparation stage of ceramisite green bodies.The obtained sintered loess ceramisite achieves a balance between low density, high strength, and low water absorption rate, surpassing all performance standards outlined in GB/T 17431.1—2010 Lightweight Aggregates and Its Test Methods Part 1: Lightweight Aggregates.
Key words:  high-strength ceramisite  pore structure design  fly ash floating bead  loess  cylinder compressive strength