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1.华北水利水电大学 河南省生态建材工程国际联合实验室,河南 郑州 450045;2.郑州市污水净化有限公司,河南 郑州 450053
采用污泥气化渣完全替代混凝土中的粗、细骨料,制备了回填混凝土,并在实验室和实际工程中进行了设计和应用.结果表明:由于其吸水特性,污泥气化渣骨料可在混凝土中起到内养护的作用,并优化混凝土界面过渡区,因此具备作为骨料用于回填混凝土的可行性;通过响应面法得到混凝土最优配合比,即砂率为60%,粗骨料中5~10 mm粒径占比为60%,预湿用水量为90%.
关键词:  污泥气化渣  回填混凝土  流动性能  抗压强度  界面过渡区
Preparation and Performance of Sludge Gasification Slag Backfill Concrete
MA Juntao1, TAN Yunfei2, FU Hao1, ZHAO Shunbo1
1.International Joint Research Lab for Eco-Building Materials and Engineering of Henan, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Zhengzhou 450045, China;2.Zhengzhou Sewage Purification Co., Ltd., Zhengzhou 450053, China
Sludge gasification slag(SGS) was designed to prepare backfill concrete which was used to completely replace the coarse and fine aggregate in concrete, which was applied in laboratory and practical engineering simultaneously. The results show that the good water absorption of SGS can play the role of internal curing in concrete as aggregate, and improve the interface transition zone of concrete, which indicates the feasibility of the application in backfilling concrete. Response surface method was used in the concrete proportioning design and the optimal mix ratio is obtained in this experiment as follows: sand rate is 60%, the proportion of 5-10 mm particle size in coarse aggregate is 60%, and the pre-wet water consumption is 90%.
Key words:  sludge gasification slag  backfill concrete  flow performance  compressive strength  interface transition zone