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中建三局集团有限公司 中国建筑先进技术研究院,湖北 武汉 430070
关键词:  3D打印  水泥基材料  建造性  开放时间  凝结时间  响应面法
Optimizing Properties of 3D Printing Mortar Using Response Surface Methodology
WANG Kaiqiang, LING Chaowei, LI Di, CHI Shengfeng, HU Chunyou
China Construction Institute of Advanced Technology, China Construction Third Bureau Group Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430070, China
Response surface methodology(RSM) was used to analyze the influence of the setting regulating component and viscosity regulating components on the buildability and setting time of 3D printing cementitious materials. The results show that sulphoaluminate cement can effectively shorten the setting time of mortar as a setting regulating component. Hydroxy propy methyl cellulose thickener and magnesium aluminum silicate as viscosity regulating components can improve the thixotropy of mortar, but it will delay the setting of mortar. Using response surface analysis method, linear model and quadratic model can be used to fit the buildability, open time and setting time of mortar, respectively,and the model shows significant differences. After optimization through RSM, 3D printing cementitious materials with adjustable setting time, good buildability and appropriate open time can be prepared.
Key words:  3D printing  cementitious material  buildability  open time  setting time  response surface methodology