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华北水利水电大学 水利学院,河南 郑州 450046
关键词:  胶凝砂砾石材料  声发射  时空演化  高斯混合模型  裂纹类型
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(52109154); 河南省科技攻关项目(192102310224)
Damage Evolution and Crack Identification of CSG Material Based on Acoustic Emission Detection Technology
HUANG Hu, LIU Zhaohan, QIU Qingming, CAO Kelei, GUO Lixia
School of Water Conservancy, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Zhengzhou 450046, China
To reveal the damage evolution mechanism and crack classification evolution law of cemented sand and gravel (CSG) materials from a microscopic perspective, the Geiger time difference positioning method, rising angle-average frequency method, and Gaussian mixture model were employed to identify the crack types of CSG materials. The results show that the failure process of CSG materials can be divided into four stages, initial crack closure, new crack propagation, crack coalescence and peak failure. The three-dimensional positioning of acoustic emission events intuitively reflects the dynamic evolution process from crack initiation, propagation to penetration. Through crack type identification, shear cracks predominate in the early loading stage, and the proportion of tensile cracks increases later. Before failure, the ratio of shear to tensile crack is about 2∶1 at high water-binder ratio, and about 1∶1 at low water-binder ratio.
Key words:  cemented sand and gravel material  acoustic emission  spatio-temporal evolution  Gaussian mixture model  crack type