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昆明理工大学 电力工程学院,云南 昆明 650500
关键词:  混凝土  初始孔隙  轴心抗压强度  弹性模量  损伤预测
Influence of Mesoscopic Initial Pore Defects on Mechanical Properties of Concrete
ZHANG Guohui, WEI Xiong, YANG Zhendong, GU Yanshuang, WANG Mingming
Faculty of Electric Power Engineering, Kunming University of Science and Technology, Kunming 650500, China
Using the initial porosity and pore size of precast concrete with EPS particles of different sizes, the axial compressive strength and elastic modulus of concrete with 4 initial porosities and 5 initial pore sizes were systematically studied. The influence law of mechanical properties of concrete with initial defects was analyzed based on the principle of numerical statistics. The results show that the reduction of axial compressive strength and elastic modulus of concrete increases linearly with the increase of initial porosity, and the axial compressive strength reduction increases logarithmically with the increase of initial porosity. Considering the influence of initial porosity and initial pore size, the damage of initial small pore size with initial high porosity is lower than that of initial large pore size with initial low porosity. Compared with the initial pore size, the initial porosity has a more significant effect on the axial compressive strength and elastic modulus of the concrete.
Key words:  concrete  initial pore  axial compressive strength  elastic modulus  damage prediction