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1.云南大学 建筑与规划学院,云南 昆明 650500;2.昆明军龙岩土工程有限公司,云南 昆明 650214;3.云南大学 材料与能源学院,云南 昆明 650500
通过宏观性能测试、微观结构测试和数值模拟研究了钢丝网增强复合石墨烯(GR)-锰锌铁氧体(MFO)水泥砂浆(简称复合砂浆)在1~18 GHz频率下的电磁波吸收性能,并揭示了电磁波防护机理.结果表明:30.00%掺量的MFO因团聚导致的稀释效应降低了复合砂浆强度,而GR因促进水泥水化增加了复合砂浆强度;结合材料的电磁参数测试和时域有限差分法数值模拟复合砂浆电磁波吸收性能可知,复掺GR和MFO的钢丝网增强复合砂浆电磁波吸收性能最优,且存在最佳匹配层厚度;当砂浆总厚度为25 mm时,掺0.10% GR和30.00% MFO的钢丝网增强复合砂浆的电磁波有效吸收小于-10.00 dB,吸收带宽为1.68~4.34 GHz,且对3.23 GHz的电磁反射损耗可达-22.13 dB.因MFO有较好的磁损耗性能,GR有良好的介电损耗性能,加之水泥砂浆有多孔材料优异的反射特性,三者结合后能够成为具有建筑功能的电磁波吸收材料.
关键词:  石墨烯  铁氧体  钢丝网  水泥砂浆  电磁防护
Electromagnetic Protection Performance of Steel Wire Mesh Reinforced Composite Graphene-Ferrite Cement Mortar
WEI Shengbin1, XIE Jianbin1,2, GUAN Hongtao3, WANG Dafu1, GUO Zaibin1
1.School of Architecture and Planning, Yunnan University, Kunming 650500, China;2.Kunming Junlong Geotechnical Engineering Co., Ltd., Kunming 650214, China;3.School of Materials and Energy, Yunnan University, Kunming 650500,China
The electromagnetic wave absorption performance of steel wire mesh reinforced composite graphene (GR)-manganese-zinc ferrite (MFO) cement mortar (referred to as composite mortar) was investigated at 1-18 GHz through macroscopic performance tests, microstructural tests, and numerical simulations to reveal its electromagnetic wave protection mechanism. The results show that 30.00% of MFO reduces the strength of composite mortar due to the dilution effect caused by agglomeration, while GR increases the strength of composite mortar by promoting cement hydration. Combined with the electromagnetic parameter tests of the materials and numerical simulation of mortar electromagnetic wave absorption performance by the time-domain finite-difference method, it can be seen that the steel wire mesh reinforced composite mortar with compound doping of GR and MFO has the optimal electromagnetic wave absorption, and there exists an optimal matching layer thickness. When the total thickness of mortar is 25 mm, the wire mesh reinforced mortar doped with 0.10% GR and 30.00% MFO has an effective electromagnetic wave absorption of less than -10.00 dB, with an absorption bandwidth of 1.68-4.34 GHz and an electromagnetic reflection loss of -22.13 dB for the electromagnetic wave of 3.23 GHz.The reflection loss of 3.23 GHz can reach -22.13 dB. Because MFO has good magnetic loss properties, GR has good dielectric loss properties, and cement mortar has excellent reflection properties of porous materials, the combination of the three can become an electromagnetic wave absorbing material with building functions.
Key words:  graphene  ferrite  steel wire mesh  cement mortar  electromagnetic protection