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1.中南大学 土木工程学院,湖南 长沙 410075;2.中南大学 高速铁路建造技术国家工程研究中心,湖南 长沙 410075;3.山东铁路投资控股集团有限公司,山东 济南 250102
关键词:  耐候钢  Q370qENH  应力腐蚀  锈层形貌  静力拉伸
Stress Corrosion Evolution of Q370qENH Weathering Steel in Marine Atmosphere Environment
YU Yujie1,2, LUO Yongqi1, SUN Hongbin3, HU Chunjian1, ZHU Zhihui1,2
1.School of Civil Engineering, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China;2.National Engineering Research Center of High-Speed Railway Construction Technology, Central South University, Changsha 410075, China;3.Shandong Railway Investment Holding Group Company Limited, Jinan 250102, China
The corrosion resistance of Q370qENH weathering steel was investigated by using periodic dry/wet alternating salt spray accelerated corrosion tests to simulate marine atmospheric corrosion environment. A comprehensive analysis was performed with analyzing the corrosion rate, rust layer development and phase composition, rust pit morphology and damage tensile property, including corrosive mechanism and characterization. The results show that compared with stress free corrosion, the stress corrosion can significantly improve the corrosion activity of Q370qENH’s surface, thus speeding up the corrosion rate, delaying the formation of stable rust layer to a certain extent and further reducing Q370qENH’s strength. However, no matter whether there is stress or not, the stable protective layer is not formed in the salt spray environment. Q370qENH does not show excellent corrosion resistance in high chloride atmosphere, in which corrosion environment, Q370qENH is not recommended to be used without coating. But Q370qENH still presents a good mechanical properties when with a high level of corrosion.
Key words:  weathering steel  Q370qENH  stress corrosion  morphology of rust layer  static tension