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同济大学 土木工程学院,上海 200092
层板销接木(DLT)是仅由木销和层板组成的一种无胶无钉、近似全实木的工程木产品,可用于制作梁、墙体和楼板,具有用材经济、绿色低碳和预制化程度高等特点. 从构造和分类两方面对DLT进行简要概述,系统梳理了近些年DLT在木销、木销节点及构件方面的性能研究成果,包括木销-层板销槽承压性能、木销节点抗剪性能、DLT木梁抗弯性能及DLT板振动特性等. 在此基础上,介绍了DLT在性能研究中存在的不足,并提出了DLT研究亟需解决的关键问题.
关键词:  层板销接木  木销  构造  节点性能  构件性能
Performance of Dowel Laminated Timber
FU Haiyan, HE Minjuan
College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
Dowel laminated timber (DLT) is only composed of wood dowel and laminated timber of a kind of non-glue and non-nail, nearly full solid wood engineering wood products. DLT can be used as beams, walls and floors. It has the characteristics of the material economy, green and low carbon, and a high degree of prefabrication. A brief overview of DLT was given from the aspects of construction and classification, and the performance research results of DLT in recent years in terms of the dowel, dowel joints, and components are systematically reviewed, including the embedment performance of dowel-laminate, shear performance of dowel joints, bending performance of DLT beams, vibration characteristics of DLT plates, et al. On this basis, the shortcomings in the performance research of DLT are summarized, and the fundamental problems to be solved in the study of DLT are put forward.
Key words:  dowel laminated timber(DLT)  wood dowel  structure  joint property  component property