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为了解决传统C30喷射混凝土早期强度低、难以满足铁路隧道高性能支护体系8、24 h抗压强度分别不低于10、15 MPa设计要求的问题,试验研究了原材料特性、配合比设计、纳米早强剂与无碱速凝剂的配合使用以及混凝土拌和物温度与养护温度的协同影响,配制出了工作性良好、早期强度高且后期强度无倒缩的C30早高强喷射混凝土,并对其进行了现场工艺试验验证.结果表明,所制备的C30早高强喷射混凝土不仅流动性好,坍落扩展度经时损失小,回弹率低,各项性能指标均能满足设计及施工的要求.
关键词:  铁路隧道  高性能支护体系  早高强喷射混凝土  早期强度  纳米早强剂  无碱速凝剂  拌和物温度  养护温度
Experimental Research and Application of C30 Early and High-Strength Shotcrete in Railway Tunnel
GAO Yujun1,2,3, DENG Chong1,2,3, QIN Mingqiang1,2,3, LIU Kuangyi1,2,3, TANG Kai1,2,3
1.CCCC Wuhan Harbor Engineering Design and Research Co., Ltd., Wuhan 430040, China;2.Hubei Key Laboratory of Advanced Materials and Reinforcement Technology Research for Marine Environment Structures, Wuhan 430040, China;3.CCCC SHEC Wuhan Harbour New Materials Co., Ltd., Macheng 438300, China
To solve the problem that the early strength of traditional C30 shotcrete is low, and difficult to meet the design requirements that 8 h compressive strength is not lower than 10 MPa and 24 h compressive strength is not lower than 15 MPa for railway tunnels high performance support system, the C30 high early-strength shotcrete with good workability, high early strength and no lowering of late strength was prepared and verified in on-site tests by the analysis of raw material characteristics, ratio design, the use of nano early-strength agent and alkali-free quick-setting agent, and the synergistic influence of concrete mix temperature and curing temperature. The results show that the prepared C30 high early-strength shotcrete has good fluidity, small loss of slump over time and low rebound rate. All performance indicators can meet the design and construction requirements.
Key words:  railway tunnel  high performance support system  shotcrete  early strength  nano early-strength agent  alkali-free quick-setting accelerator  concrete temperature  curing temperature