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引用本文:温永,王祯国,董永康,裴建中,张久鹏.Terminal Blend橡胶泡沫沥青制备及性能评价[J].建筑材料学报,2023,26(10):1129-1136
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Terminal Blend橡胶泡沫沥青制备及性能评价
长安大学 公路学院,陕西 西安 710064
为弥补传统泡沫沥青高温稳定性和黏附性的不足,解决传统橡胶沥青发泡效果不理想的缺陷,对terminal blend(TB)橡胶泡沫沥青进行了研究,探究了TB橡胶泡沫沥青发泡效果的影响规律,对其微观形貌与特征进行了表征,同时评估了TB橡胶泡沫沥青的高温性能、温度敏感性和黏度.结果表明:采用TB橡胶沥青制备泡沫沥青具备可行性;相比传统泡沫沥青,TB橡胶泡沫沥青在温度敏感性降低的同时,还显著提升了高温性能和黏度;微观结果显示TB橡胶泡沫沥青的发泡过程仅为物理过程,而且受发泡温度和发泡用水量的影响,其中后者对整体发泡效果的影响更加明显;TB橡胶泡沫沥青的最佳发泡温度为160 °C、发泡用水量为2.7%.
关键词:  道路工程  泡沫沥青  terminal blend  发泡特性  膨胀率  半衰期  简化效能指数
基金项目:“十四五”国家重点研发计划项目(2021YFB2600603,2021YFB2600600); 中国博士后科学基金项目(2019M653521);江苏省住房和城乡建设厅科技项目(2022ZD099)
Preparation and Performance Evaluation of Foamed Terminal Blend Rubberized Asphalt Binders
WEN Yong, WANG Zhenguo, DONG Yongkang, PEI Jianzhong, ZHANG Jiupeng
School of Highway, Chang’an University, Xi’an 710064, China
The foamed terminal blend(TB) rubberized asphalt binders were examined to address the deficiencies of common foamed asphalt binders’ high-temperature stability and adhesion, as well as the shortcomings of their poor foamed effect. The influence law of foamed TB rubberized asphalt binders was comprehensively evaluated, and its microstructure and characteristics were characterized. At the same time, the high-temperature performance, temperature sensitivity, and viscosity of foamed TB rubberized asphalt binders were assessed. The results show that it is feasible to prepare foamed TB rubberized asphalt binders using TB rubberized asphalt binders. Compared to conventional foamed asphalt binders, the high-temperature performance and viscosity of foamed TB rubberized asphalt binders are significantly improved while the temperature sensitivity is reduced. The microscopic test results demonstrate that the foaming process of foamed TB rubberized asphalt binders is purely physical. In addition, the foaming performance of foamed TB rubberized asphalt binders is influenced by both foaming temperature and water consumption, but water consumption has a more pronounced effect on the overall foaming performance. The optimal foaming temperature for foamed TB rubberized asphalt binders is 160 °C, and the recommended foaming water consumption is 2.7%.
Key words:  road engineering  foamed asphalt binder  terminal blend(TB)  foaming performance  expansion rate  half-life  simplified efficiency index(SEI)