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沈阳建筑大学 土木工程学院,辽宁 沈阳, 110168
关键词:  再生混凝土  废弃纤维  黏结性能  冻融循环
Bond Behavior between Waste Fiber-Recycled Concrete and Reinforcement under Freeze-Thaw Cycles
LIU Yu, ZHOU Jinghai, WU Di, KANG Tianbei, YU Hanglin
School of Civil Engineering, Shenyang Jianzhu University, Shenyang 110168, China
Firstly, the effects of freeze-thaw cycles, replacement rate of recycled aggregates, and volume fraction of waste fibers on bond behavior between recycled concrete and reinforcement were studied under freeze-thaw cycle test. Secondly,the bond damage mechanism was analyzed from the perspective of energy conservation and dissipation. Finally, the bond-slip model was established based on the damage and strength degradation theory. The results show that the bond performance between waste fiber-recycled concrete and reinforcement becomes poor with increasing freeze-thaw cycles and replacement rate of recycled aggregates. The proper amount of recycled fiber is beneficial to the bond behavior between recycled concrete and reinforcement after freeze-thaw cycles, and the bond strength is improved by 11.35% when the volume fraction of recycled fibers is 0.12%. The proposed bond-slip model can better characterize the relationship between bond strength and relative compressive strength.
Key words:  recycled concrete  waste fiber  bond behavior  freeze-thaw cycle