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1.福州大学 土木工程学院;2.同济大学 土木工程学院,上海 200092
为改善再生骨料混凝土(RAC)的断裂性能,在RAC中掺入剑麻纤维,并基于三点弯曲梁试验,研究了再生粗骨料(RCA)和剑麻纤维对RAC断裂性能的影响.结果表明:与普通混凝土相比,100% RCA取代率且未掺剑麻纤维时,混凝土的起裂韧度、失稳韧度和断裂能分别降低20.36%、17.36%和20.66%;当剑麻纤维长度为10 mm、体积分数为0.2%时,其对RAC的起裂韧度改善效果最佳,且较未掺剑麻纤维RAC的起裂韧度提高37.81%;就失稳韧度和断裂能而言,剑麻纤维的最佳体积分数为0.3%;剑麻纤维的掺入可有效提升RAC的断裂性能.
关键词:  再生骨料混凝土  剑麻纤维  三点弯曲梁试验  断裂韧度  断裂能
Effect of Sisal Fiber on Fracture Performance of Recycled Aggregate Concrete
XIAO Jianzhuang1,2, XU Jinxiao1, LUO Surong1, ZHANG Kaijian1, ZHANG Qingtian1
1.College of Civil Engineering, Fuzhou University, Fuzhou 350116, China;2.College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092, China
In order to improve the fracture performance of recycled aggregate concrete (RAC), the effects of recycled coarse aggregate (RCA) and sisal fiber on the fracture performance of RAC were studied based on the three-point bending beam test by mixing sisal fiber into RAC. The results show that, compared with ordinary concrete, the initiation toughness, instability toughness and fracture energy of RAC without sisal fiber are reduced by 20.36%, 17.36% and 20.66%, respectively, when the replacement rate of RCA is 100%. When the length of sisal fiber is 10 mm, and its volume fraction is 0.2%, it has the best improvement effect on the initiation toughness of RAC, which is 37.81% higher than that of RAC without sisal fiber. In terms of instability toughness and fracture energy, the optimal volume fraction of sisal fiber is 0.3%. In summary, the incorporation of sisal fiber can effectively improve the fracture performance of RAC.
Key words:  recycled aggregate concrete(RAC)  sisal fiber  three-point bending beam test  fracture toughness  fracture energy