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1.武汉科技大学 城市建设学院;2.武汉科技大学 高性能工程结构研究院;3.武汉纺织大学 工程造价系;4.中建三局 第一建设工程 有限责任公司
关键词:  纳米SiO2  乙烯-醋酸乙烯酯共聚乳胶粉  氯离子渗透  硫酸盐侵蚀  吸水率  孔结构
Durability of Cement-Based Materials with Nano SiO2 and VAE Composite Modification
WANG Zhixin1, MEI Junpeng1,2, LIAO Yishun1,2, LI Hainan3, NIU Yinlong4
1.School of Urban Construction, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430065, China;2.Institute of High Performance Engineering Structure, Wuhan University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430065, China;3.Department of Construction Cost, Wuhan Textile University, Wuhan 430200, China;4.First Engineering Co., Ltd., China Construction Third Bureau, Wuhan 430040, China
The chloride penetration resistance, sulphate erosion resistance and water absorption were used to investigate the effect of single addition of ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer powder(VAE) and composite addition of VAE/ nano SiO2(NS) on durability of cement-based materials. Attempt was made to explore the influence mechanism of single addition of VAE and composite addition of VAE/NS on the durability of cement-based materials by means of X-ray diffractometer, thermal analyzer, scanning electronic microscope, mercury porosimeter and Fourier transform infrared spectrometer. The results show that both single addition of VAE and composite addition of VAE/NS can improve the chloride penetration resistance and sulfate resistance, and decrease the total water absorption, and the effect of composite addition is better than that of single addition. The single addition of VAE improves the hydration properties, and reduces the harmful and multi-harmful pores by 65.3%, but increases the most probable aperture and the n(Ca)/n(Si) value of interface transition zone. The composite addition of VAE/NS further improves the hydration properties, reduces the harmful and multi-harmful pores by 82.6%, significantly increases the amount of hydrate calcium silicate(C-S-H) generation and the degree of polymerization, and thus enhances the durability of cement-based materials.
Key words:  nano SiO2  ethylene-vinyl acetate copolymer powder(VAE)  chlorine ion penetration  sulphate erosion  water absorption  pore structure