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1.同济大学 先进土木工程材料教育部重点实验室,上海 201804;2.同济大学 材料科学与 工程学院,上海 201804
关键词:  综合环境负荷  生命周期评价(LCA)  水泥  节能减碳  协同优化
Life Cycle Assessment of Cement and Its Research Progress in Low Environmental Load
GUO Xiaolu1,2, LI Yinxue2, YUAN Shuting2
1.Key Laboratory of Advanced Civil Engineering Materials of Ministry of Education, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China;2.School of Materials Science and Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 201804, China
Cement industry is the largest carbon emission industry next to steel. It has a significant impact on the realization of the “dual carbon” goal. Life cycle assessment (LCA) is a tool for quantitative analysis of environmental load of cement throughout its life cycle. The current status of the research on the use of LCA to evaluate the integrated environmental load of cement was reviewed. Four critical steps of the LCA method were systematically described, including the goal and scope definition (functional unit and system boundary), inventory analysis (input data, output data and allocation method), impact assessment (classification, characterization and normalization) and life cycle interpretation. The improvement measures for low environmental load, such as using alternative fuels and alternative materials, transformation of production process, carbon capture technology and development of low-carbon cementitious materials were comprehensively analyzed. The cooperative optimization of environmental load and cement performance as well as its existing limitations were discussed. The future research direction were proposed.
Key words:  integrated environmental load  life cycle assessment(LCA)  cement  energy conservation and emisson reduction  cooperative optimization