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上海市政工程设计研究总院(集团)有限公司,上海 200092
研制了一种面向重载重交通场景的高性能灌注式半柔性路面材料(SFP),系统测试了其各项路用性能. 结果表明:SFP的强度与高温抗变形能力极其优异,且受温度影响较小;SFP的强度随龄期增长逐渐增强并趋于稳定,其水稳定性远高于SMA-13混合料;在高温浸水及轮载作用下,SFP未出现剥落破坏,其车辙受荷载的影响远低于SMA-13混合料;SFP的低温抗裂性与抗疲劳性相对较弱,低于SMA-13混合料而显著优于普通混合料;半柔性铺装结构的长期耐久性良好,100万次加速加载后其车辙深度仅为SMA铺装结构的1/10.
关键词:  半柔性路面材料  强度  抗变形能力  水稳定性  疲劳  低温抗裂
基金项目:“十三五”国家重点研发计划项目(2020YFC1908703);上海市 “科技创新行动计划”优秀学术/技术带头人计划项目(21XD1434200);成都兴城投资集团有限公司科研项目(DXZX-20044)
Road Performance of High Performance Pouring Semi-flexible Pavement Material
ZHENG Xiaoguang, WU Libao, SHUI Liangliang
Shanghai Municipal Engineering Design Institute (Group) Co., Ltd., Shanghai 200092, China
A high performance semi-flexible pavement material(SFP) for heavy traffic scenes was developed, and its road performance was systematically tested. The results show that the SFP has extremely excellent strength and deformation resistance, and is less affected by temperature. The strength of the SFP gradually increases and tends to stabilize with age, and the water stability of the SFP is much higher than that of SMA-13 mixture. Under the conditions of high temperature immersion and loading, no peeling is found on the SFP, and the impact of load effect on rutting is much lower than that of SMA-13 mixture. The fatigue performance and low-temperature crack resistance of the SFP are weaker than that of SMA-13 mixture, but significantly superior to ordinary asphalt mixture. The SFP has good long-term durability. The rut depth of semi-flexible pavement structure after 1 million times of accelerated loading is only 1/10 of that of the SMA pavement structure.
Key words:  semi-flexible pavement material  strength  deformation resistance  water stability  fatigue  low-temperature crack resistance