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1.同济大学 土木工程学院,上海 200092;2.许昌金科资源再生股份有限公司,河南 许昌 461000
关键词:  烧结砖  工程弃土  园林垃圾  碳化  腐熟
Effects of Garden Waste on the Properties of Sintered Bricks Prepared with Construction Spoil
GAO Qi1,2, XIAO Jianzhuang1, SHEN Jianyu1
1.College of Civil Engineering, Tongji University, Shanghai 200092,China;2.Xuchang Jinke Resources Recycling Co., Ltd., Xuchang 461000,China
Three methods of pulverizing, carbonizing and decomposing were used to pretreat the garden waste, and sintered bricks were prepared by mixing the construction spoil and treated garden waste. The sintered brick was prepared with the mass mixing ratios of 0%、3%, 6%, 9% and 12% of the treated garden waste and the basic properties of sintered construction spoil bricks were studied. The results show that the plastic limit and liquid limit of the construction spoil are increased after the addition of garden waste. The main products after sintering are potassium feldspar, plagioclase, hematite and mullite. With the increase of the mixing ratios, the micropores increase, the microstructure becomes looser, the water absorption increases, the density decreases, the volume shrinkage first increases and then decreases, and the mass loss increases. It is found that carbonized garden waste has the least influence on the mechanical properties of sintered brick because of its small particle size, less organic matter, little influence on the microstructure of sintered brick and mullite in sintered product, the compressive strength of sintered brick can be improved by adding 6% mass fraction of waste clay.
Key words:  sintered brick  construction spoil  garden waste  carbonizing  decomposing