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浙江华东工程咨询有限公司,浙江 杭州 310000
为了改善海上风电浪溅区钢管桩保护层的力学性能,设计了一种石墨烯光敏复合增强纤维高性能树脂复合带作为保护层的中间层,采用损伤理论并考虑冲击荷载和温度荷载的影响,建立了数值模型以研究该保护层的力学性能,并与中间层为环氧玻璃钢的保护层的力学性能进行了对比.结果表明:在相同冲击荷载作用下, 石墨烯光敏复合增强纤维高性能树脂复合带发生损伤的临界荷载超过环氧玻璃钢的1.5倍;在相同温度下, 石墨烯光敏复合增强纤维高性能树脂复合带中间层下表面的剪切应力不到环氧玻璃钢中间层的1/10.
关键词:  海上风电  石墨烯光敏复合增强纤维高性能树脂复合带  环氧玻璃钢  力学性能
Mechanical Properties of Graphene Reinforced Protective Layer of Steel Pipe Pile in Offshore Wind Farm
XU Liang, LIU Junsheng
Zhejiang Huadong Engineering Consulting Co., Ltd., Hangzhou 310000, China
In order to improve the mechanical properties of the protective layer of steel pipe pile at the splash zone in offshore wind farm, a graphene photosensitive composite reinforced fiber high performance resin composite tape was designed as the intermediate layer of the protective layer. Based on the damage theory and considering the effects of impact load and temperature load, a numerical model was established to study the mechanical properties of the protective layer. The mechanical properties of the middle layer using graphene photosensitive composite reinforced fiber high performance resin composite tape were compared with those of the middle layer using epoxy fiber reinforced plastics . The results show that under the same impact load, the critical load of damage of graphene photosensitive composite reinforced fiber high performance resin composite tape is 1.5 times higher than that of epoxy fiber reinforced plastics. While at the same temperature, the shear stress on the lower surface of the middle layer using graphene photosensitive composite reinforced fiber high performance resin composite tape is 1/10 lower than that on the lower surface of the middle layer using epoxy fiber reinforced plastics.
Key words:  offshore wind power  graphene photosensitive composite reinforced fiber high performance resin composite tape  epoxy fiber reinforced plastics  mechanical property