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1.华北水利水电大学 水利学院,河南 郑州 450046;2.河南水谷创新科技研究院有限公司,河南 郑州 450046;3.河海大学 水利水电学院,江苏 南京 210098
以废弃混凝土为粗骨料、废玻璃颗粒为细骨料制备了再生骨料透水混凝土,并研究了其物理力学性能.通过砂浆、混凝土2个层面,分析了废玻璃颗粒对再生骨料透水混凝土力学性能和渗透性能的变化规律及影响机理.结果表明:采用废玻璃颗粒替代天然河砂后,能够促进水泥水化,提高砂浆的工作性能,改善再生骨料透水混凝土的孔结构,并较大幅度提高其力学性能.废玻璃颗粒替代率为100%时,再生骨料透水混凝土的抗压强度可达24.19 MPa,比天然河砂制备的透水混凝土抗压强度提高约66.48%,其透水系数为0.63 mm/s,满足透水混凝土的要求.
关键词:  废玻璃颗粒  再生骨料透水混凝土  力学性能  透水性能  微观结构
基金项目:国家自然科学基金资助项目(52009045, 52109154);河南省科技攻关项目(212102310539)
Modification of Recycled Aggregate Pervious Concrete by Waste Glass Particles
CHEN Shoukai1,2, LIU Yang1, ZHAO Yunpeng3, ZHAO Mengdie1,2, LI Binglin1
1.School of Water Conservancy, North China University of Water Resources and Electric Power, Zhengzhou 450046, China;2.Henan Water Valley Innovation and Technology Research Institute Co., Ltd.,Zhengzhou 450046, China;3.College of Water Resources and Hydropower,Hohai University,Nanjing 210098, China
The recycled aggregate pervious concrete was prepared with waste concrete as coarse aggregate and waste glass particles as fine aggregate, and its physical and mechanical properties were studied. Through 2 layers of mortar and concrete , the changing rule and influence mechanism of waste glass particles on the mechanical properties and permeability of recycled aggregate pervious concrete were analyzed. The results show that the replacement of natural river sand with waste glass particles can promote cement hydration and improve the working performance of mortar, improve the pore structure of recycled aggregate pervious concrete and greatly improve its mechanical properties. When the replacement rate of waste glass particles is 100%, the compressive strength of recycled aggregate pervious concrete can reach 24.19 MPa, which is about 66.48% higher than that of pervious concrete made of natural river sand, and its permeability coefficient is 0.63 mm/s, meeting the requirements of pervious concrete.
Key words:  waste glass particle  recycled aggregate pervious concrete  mechanical property  water permeability  micro structure