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1.天津大学 建筑工程学院,天津 300350;2.天津大学 滨海土木工程结构与安全教育部重点实验室,天津 300072
关键词:  混杂钢纤维混凝土  纤维桥接行为  黏结-滑移模型  本构模型
Constitutive Model of Hybrid Steel Fiber Reinforced Concrete with Different Fiber Lengths
HUO Linying1, BI Jihong1,2, ZHAO Yun1, WANG Zhaoyao1
1.School of Civil Engineering, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300350, China;2.Key Laboratory of Coast Civil Structure Safety of Ministry of Education, Tianjin University, Tianjin 300072, China
To fully play the role of reinforcement of fibers with different lengths, the hybrid steel fiber reinforced concrete(HySFRC) was composed of the concrete matrix and steel fibers of different lengths. Considering the fiber debonding process after cracking, the reinforcements of hybrid steel fibers were calculated by the bond-slip model, and the relationship between steel fiber stress and crack width was established. For the debonding state of hybrid steel fibers along with the crack propagation, the reinforcements of hybrid steel fibers were divided into three stages. Based on the classic smear crack of constitutive model, the bridging effect of hybrid steel fibers was thought to be enhancement, and the constitutive model of HySFRC was established. The constitutive model of HySFRC was introduced into Abaqus software, and the finite element model was established for the four-point bending test of HySFRC. The correctness of the proposed constitutive model was verified by comparing the experimental date with numerical simulated data.
Key words:  hybrid steel fiber reinforced concrete  fiber-bridging behavior  bond-slip model  constitutive model