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1.中国港湾工程有限责任公司,北京 100027;2.河海大学 岩土力学与堤坝工程教育部重点实验室,江苏 南京 210024;3.江苏省水利科学研究院 材料结构研究所,江苏 扬州 225000
通过开展无侧限抗压强度(UCS)和扫描电子显微镜试验,研究了水泥掺量、有机质含量和pH值对超高含水率泥炭土固化强度的影响.结果表明:随着水泥掺量的增加,固化泥炭土的破坏模式从塑性破坏转为脆性破坏;水泥掺量从10%增加到30%后,固化泥炭土的28 d UCS值增加了161%~485%;泥炭土含水率增加1倍后,固化泥炭土的28 d UCS值降低了42%~79%;相比于pH值为5.5的固化泥炭土,pH值为3.5和7.0固化泥炭土的UCS值降幅、增幅分别为10%~46%和8%~38%;基于固化泥炭土的UCS值,提出了超高含水率泥炭土的水泥固化配比,可以为类似工程提供一定的理论指导.
关键词:  泥炭土  含水率  有机质  pH值  水泥掺量  强度
Solidification Mechanism and Strength Characteristics of Peat with Ultra-high Water Content
WANG Rong1, DONG Junquan2, FAN Yanqi3, SHI Jiangwei2, CHEN Yonghui2
1.China Harbour Engineering Company Limited, Beijing 100027, China;2.Key Laboratory of Ministry of Education for Geomechanics and Embankment Engineering, Hohai University, Nanjing 210024, China;3.Material and Structural Engineering Department, Jiangsu Water Research Institute, Yangzhou 225000, China
By conducting unconfined compressive strength(UCS) and scanning electronic microscope tests, effects of cement content, organic content and pH value on strength of solidified peats with ultra-high water content were investigated. The results show that the solidified peat damages from plastic mode to brittle mode when the cement content increases. As cement content increases from 10% to 30%, the UCS value of solidified peat at a curing age of 28 d increases by 161%-485%. By increasing water content by 100%, the UCS value of solidified peat at a curing age of 28 d decreases by 42%-79%. Compared with that of solidified peat at pH value of 5.5, the UCS value of peat at pH value of 3.5 decreases by 10%-46%, while the strength of peat at pH value of 7.0 increases by 8%-38%. Cement content of solidified peat with ultra-high water content is proposed based on the UCS value of solidified peat, which can provide guidance for similar projects.
Key words:  peat  water content  organic matter  pH value  cement content  strength