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1.兰州理工大学 土木工程学院,甘肃 兰州 730050;2.兰州理工大学 西部土木工程防灾减灾教育部工程研究中心, 甘肃 兰州 730050
以玄武岩-聚乙烯醇(PVA)纤维体积分数为变化参数,对纤维混凝土进行室内盐雾侵蚀加速试验,通过抗压耐蚀系数Kf、相对质量评价参数ξ1、相对动弹性模量评价参数ξ2以及扫描电镜(SEM)照片,分别从宏观、微观层面对纤维混凝土耐久性损伤劣化进行评价分析,并基于GM(1,1)-Markov模型对其寿命进行预测.结果表明:在盐雾环境下,纤维混凝土的Kf先上升后下降,ξ1波动性较大,ξ2可作为评价纤维混凝土损伤劣化的决定性因素;GM(1,1)-Markov模型与实测数据吻合较好,纤维混凝土的最佳玄武岩、PVA纤维体积分数分别为0.10%、0.05%,其在盐雾环境下的服役时间最长,达到680 d.
关键词:  盐雾环境  损伤劣化  GM(1,1)-Markov  纤维混凝土
Effect of Salt Spray Corrosion on Durability Performance of Fiber Concrete Based on GM11-Markov Model
YU Jianqiao1, QIAO Hongxia1,2, ZHU Feifei1, WANG Xinke1
1.School of Civil Engineering, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China;2.Western Civil Engineering Disaster Prevention and Mitigation Engineering Research Center, Ministry of Education, Lanzhou University of Technology, Lanzhou 730050, China
Taking the volume fraction of basalt-polycinyl alcohol(PVA) fiber as the variable parameter, the indoor salt spray accelerated corrosion test was carried out. The damage and deterioration was evaluated and analyzed from the macro and micro aspects through the compressive corrosion resistance coefficient Kf, relative quality evaluation parameter ξ1, relative dynamic elastic modulus evaluation parameter ξ2 and scanning electron microscope (SEM) images, and the life of the fiber concrete was predicted based on GM(1,1)-Markov model. The results show that the Kf of the fiber concrete increases first and then decreases in the salt spray environment, ξ1 fluctuates greatly, and ξ2 can be used as the decisive factor for evaluate the damage and deterioration of fiber concrete. The data based on GM(1,1)-Markov model agrees well with the test data. The optimum volume fraction of basalt and PVA fiber is 0.10% and 0.01% respectively. The specimen with the optimum volume fraction has the longest service time under the salt spray environment, reaching 680 d.
Key words:  salt spray environment  damage and deterioration  GM(1,1)-Markov  fiber concrete