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苏州科技大学 土木工程学院,江苏 苏州 215011
设计了 3组连接方式的装配式桥墩,在连接节点处采用等离子体改性碳纳米管(P-CNT)混凝土,研究了低周往复荷载作用下,桥墩连接节点处P-CNT混凝土受力时电阻的变化情况,以验证P-CNT混凝土应用于桥墩节点进行智能监测的可能性.结果表明:3组连接方式下,P-CNT混凝土均表现出良好的力学性能和压敏性能;当连接节点处混凝土出现裂缝或分离脱落时,其电阻值出现突增现象,且电阻突增变化率随着节点处混凝土破坏程度的升高而增加.说明P-CNT混凝土智能材料可以有效监测节点处的受力状态.
关键词:  智能混凝土  等离子体改性碳纳米管  装配式桥墩  连接节点  压敏性能  健康监测
Intelligent Monitoring of Plasma-Modified Carbon Nanotube Concrete at Bridge Pier Nodes
LI Zhendong, SUN Min
College of Civil Engineering, Suzhou University of Science and Technology, Suzhou 215011, China
Three groups of fabricated bridge piers with different connection methods were established, and plasma-modified carbon nanotube(P-CNT) concrete was used at the connection nodes. Under the action of low cycle reciprocating load, the resistance value changes of P-CNT concrete at the connection nodes of three groups of assembled bridge piers under stress were studied, and the possibility of applying P-CNT concrete to intelligent monitoring at bridge pier nodes was verified. The results show that the P-CNT concrete shows good mechanical properties and pressure-sensitive properties under the three connection methods. When the concrete at the connection node is cracked or separated, its resistance value increases suddenly. The incremental change rate increases with the degree of concrete failure at the node. It shows that the application of P-CNT concrete smart material to the connection nodes of prefabricated piers can effectively monitor the stress state at the nodes.
Key words:  smart concrete  plasma-modified carbon nanotube(P-CNT)  fabricated bridge pier  connecting node  pressure-sensitive performance  health monitoring